UNDER 5’s - We currently have 1 team in this age group
UNDER 5's - Mixed
League: N/A
Format; 5v5
Manager: Shane Ward
Email: shane.9938@outlook.com
UNDER 6’s - We currently have 1 team in this age group
UNDER 6's - Mixed
Under 6’s / Year 1
League: N/A
Format; 5v5
Manager: Ash Squire
Email: ash.squire@hotmail.co.uk
UNDER 7’s / YEAR 2 - We currently have 3 teams in this age group
U7 - Jaguars
League: New Forest Youth Football League
Format: 5v5
Manager: Aiden Potts
Email: aidan.potts@outlook.com
Sponsor: Happy Days Nursery
U7 - Lions
League: Bournemouth Youth Football leaguee
Format: 5v5
Manager: James Hardy
Email: jimhardy1980@yahoo.co.uk
U7 - Tigers
League: Bournemouth Youth Football leaguee
Format: 5v5
Manager: David Barnes
Email: lucide@hotmail.co.uk
UNDER 8’s / YEAR 3 - We currently have 6 teams in this age group
U8 - Lions
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 5v5
Manager: Adrian Maplesden
Email: adrianmaplesden@gmail.com
Sponsor: Ringwood and Verwood Round Table
U8 - Dragons
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 5v5
Manager: Karen Pearson
Email: maxima2009@gmail.com
Bespoke Bathrooms and Plumbing Ltd
U8 - Galacticos
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 5v5
Manager: James Barnes
Email: jamie.barnes@hotmail.co.uk
Sponsor: K&B Installations
U8 - Eagles
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 5v5
Manager: Mike Ratcliffe
Email: mikeratters@aol.com
Sponsor: Hamberley Verwood House
U8 - Aces
League: Bournemouth Youth Football League
Format: 5v5
Manager: Matthew May
Email: matthew_d_may@btinternet.com
Sponsor: Liftsy Uk Ltd
U8 - Diamonds
League: Dorset Youth Football League - Girls
Format: 5v5
Manager: Charlie Elysee
Email: cjelysee@gmail.com
Sponsor: Pearce Compaction Systems
UNDER 9’s / YEAR 4 - We currently have 3 teams in this age group
U9 - Cobras
League: New Forest & District Youth Football League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Matt Potter
Email: matt@mcpotter.co.uk
Sponsor: LMBConstruction
U9 - Panthers

League: Bournemouth Youth Football League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Ben Kelly
Email: bkelly12@live.com
Sponsor: Verplas
U9 - Comets

League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Brad Greatorex
Email: bradgreatorex@icloud.com
Sponsor: Verplas
UNDER 10’s / YEAR 5 - We currently have 3 teams in this age group
U10 - Sharks
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Ross Davidson
Email: rossyd78@hotmail.com
Sponsor: R &W Langley
U10 - Lions
League: Dorset Mini Soccer League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Richard Attoe
Email: attoerichard6@gmail.com
Sponsor: Avon Marina
U10 - Vixens
League: Hampshire Girls Football League
Format: 7v7
Manager: Wayne Wade
Email: waynewade@hotmail.co.uk
Sponsor: Alimax Ltd
UNDER 11’s / YEAR 6 - We currently have 3 teams in this age group
U11 - Raptors
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Manager: James Read
Email: jamesread.bathsheba@gmail.com
U11 - Vipers
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Manager: Neil Phillips
Email: scousephillips@hotmail.co.uk
Sponsor: Glo Tanning
U11 - Verwood Town Girls
League: Hampshire Girls Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Manager: Ross Humphrey
Email: ross.humphrey15@gmail.com
Sponsor: Nauticool / Knoll Gardens
UNDER 12’s / YEAR 7 - We currently have 4 teams in this age group
U12 - Girls
League: Dorset Youth Football League - Girls
Format: 9v9
Manager: Chris Knight
Email: chrstphr_knight@yahoo.co.uk
Sponsor: Motion Control Products
U12 - Spartans
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Sponsor: Manitou
Manager: Craig Dicker
Email: c.dicker@manitou-group.com
U12 - Tigers
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Manager: Dean Curtis
Email: Deancurtis@gmail.com
Sponsor: DSCprojects - UK
U12 - Galaxy
League: Bournemouth Youth Football League
Format: 9v9
Manager: John Ridley
Email: john.ridley@gmail.com
Sponsor: Verco / Ringwood & Verwood Glass
UNDER 13’s / YEAR 8 - We currently have 2 teams in this age group
U13 - Eagles
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Jon Griffin
Email: jonfgriffin@gmail.com
Sponsor: Guy's Plant Hire
U13 - Raptors
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Steve Baker
Email: stevebaker1981@gmail.com
Sponsor: Foxes Sales & Lettings
Under 14’s / Year 9 - We currently have 2 teams in this age group
U14 - United
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Sponsor: The Shutter Shack
Manager: Craig Sargeant
Email: craigjsarge@googlemail.com
U14 - Jets
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Warren Moss
Email: wjmbroadcast@btinternet.com
Under 15’s / Year 10 - We currently have 2 teams in this age group
U15 - VT Youth
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Ian Wood
Email: ianw862@yahoo.com
Sponsor: Airbourne Executive
U15 - Predators
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Matt Press
Email: splashcopywriters@hotmail.co.uk
Sponsor: Tiger
Under 16’s - We currently have 1 team in this age group
U16 - Vulcans
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Alan Childs
Email: alanchilds1967@sky.com
Sponsor: R.M. Hall Joinery / KVS Ltd
Under 18’s - We currently have 2 teams in this age group
U18 - Cobras
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Ian Bentley
Email: ian_bentley@hotmail.com
Sponsor: Wessex Sports
U18 - VTFC
League: Dorset Youth Football League
Format: 11v11
Manager: Stuart Patience
Email: stuart.patience@gmail.com
Sponsor: Verwood Rotary Club