Club Documents and Forms Page
From this page you will find a copies of a selection of Club Documents and forms. These are made available as both PDF and/or Microsoft Word format files where appropriate. Each one, when selected will open in a separate window or Tab of your web browser or of course they may be downloaded to your device (generally by 'right clicking' and saving).
Club Constitution (PDF) - Constitution
Constitution Appendix (PDF) - Constitution Appendix
Club Policies - Club Policies
Match Arrangement Form (PDF) - for use by the secretary to record all appropriate communication and contact details
Matchday Duties Form (PDF) - form to be used to ensure all primary off field Matchday Duties allocated
Match Officials and Expenses Form (PDF) - form to be used to record Officials Expenses and Income on Matchday
VTFC 200 Club Application Form (PDF) - form for joining 200 Club
VTFC 200 Club Bank Mandate Form PDF) - associated form for 200 Club bank debit arrangement