It is a small Lottery for Members. For just £2 per month per ticket. It gives members entry into a monthly draw for cash prizes and at the same time support club development funds. 50% of the monies will be paid in three cash prizes (typically £50 £25 and £15) and 50% will be reinvested in club funds to help maintain and improve the club for the benefit of all users.
The Verwood Town 200 Club membership Form together with the Monthly Standing Order Mandate form (should you decide to pay in this manner) are available below for printing and completion. In the near future, we also intend to introduce an online facility for both joining and payment.
1. Anybody over the age of 16 can become a member of the 200 club; it is not restricted to players or officials.
2. Membership is by subscription of £2 per month per number which can be paid by monthly standing order or annually by Cash, Cheque or Bank transfer
3. Members may have multiple numbers.
4. Members numbers are eligible for inclusion in the draw for any month so long as each subscription for that month has been paid and cleared before that draw takes place.
5. Each member is allocated a permanent number (or numbers if multiple numbers subscribed) in the monthly draw. The number (or numbers) shall remain that members while their subscription is up to date. Number's will be allocated by the administrator.
6. There will be one prize draw each month.
7. The administrator will make all reasonable efforts to pay or post prizes to the winners within 1 week of the draw
8. Winners names will be displayed through the Club website and other club communication channels
9. The administrator will maintain a Register recording the name and address of each member, the number(s) allocated to them and the subscriptions received from them.
10. Unless otherwise advised, a member will be deemed to have left the Club if his or her renewal of subscription remains unpaid for a period of one month.
11. If a winner cannot be contacted, the winnings will be placed into Club Funds after 6 months.